Lampedusa, August 2016. A couple jet skiing and a shipwreck with writings in Arab on the back.
Album | Lampedusa OLD |
Lampedusa, August 2016. A Virgin Mary’s statue coverd with a thermal blanket at Porto M, an alternative migration museum.
Album | Lampedusa OLD |
Lampedusa, August 2016. The Porta d’Europa (Door of Europe) monument is dedicated to the migrants who lost their lives at sea.
Album | Lampedusa OLD |
August 27th 2016. Some of the 240 migrants rescued at sea by the Italian Coast Guard disembark at Lampedusa’s harbour.
Album | Lampedusa OLD |
Lampedusa, August 27h 2016. Some of the 240 migrants rescued at sea by the Italian Coast Guard are lined up in the harbour just after the disembarkment.
Album | Lampedusa OLD |
August 27th 2016. Some of the 240 migrants rescued at sea by the Italian Coast Guard disembark at Lampedusa’s harbour.
Album | Lampedusa OLD |
The Captain of the Aquarius chart the course of the vessel on a nautical map of Northern Africa.
Album | In between |
A portrait of Anabel Montes Mier (29, from Spain), SOS Méditerranée Deputy Search And Rescue Coordinator on board the Aquarius.
Album | In between |
A rubber boat in distress is spotted in the early morning, approximately 23 miles off the coast of Libya.
Album | In between |
At sunrise, the SOS Méditerranée Deputy Search And Rescue Coordinator scan the horizon with a binocular in search for migrants boats in distress.
Album | In between |
A rubber boat in distress with 120 people on board is found approximately 23 miles north-east of Tripoli (Libya).
Album | In between |
Three women on board the rescue rhib that will transfer them to the Aquarius, just after being rescued from a rubber boat in distress.
Album | In between |
Three men on board the rescue rhib that will transfer them to the Aquarius, just after being rescued from a rubber boat in distress.
Album | In between |
A group of migrants on board the rescue rhib that will transfer them to the Aquarius.
Album | In between |
Members of the SOS Méditerranée Search and Rescue Team on board the Aquarius, as seen from a rescue rhib.
Album | In between |
A portrait of Edouard Courcelle (34, from France), member of the SOS Méditerranée Search And Rescue Team.
Album | In between |
The rescue vessel Aquarius is operated by the NGOs SOS Méditerranée and Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF).
Album | In between |
Migrants on board the Aquarius vessel just after the rescue operations. On the September 11th 2016 operation, 252 migrants from two different rubber boats in distress were rescued. Most of them hail from Nigeria, Guinea-Conakry, Mali and Ghana.
Album | In between |
Sep 11th 2016, Mediterranean Sea. A group of migrants rescued hours before from a rubber boat in distress adrift at sea, observe the Mediterranean from the humanitarian rescue vessel Aquarius’ deck.
Album | In between |
A portrait of Ogie Frederick (42, from Nigeria), rescued by the Aquarius from a rubber boat in distress on September 11th 2016.
Album | In between |
Migrants on board the Aquarius vessel just after the rescue operations. On the September 5th 2016 operation, 142 migrants from a rubber boat in distress were rescued. Most of them hail from Ivory Coast, Mali and Guinea-Conakry.
Album | In between |
The Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF) Cultural Mediator shows the map of Italy to a group of migrants on board the Aquarius.
Album | In between |
On September 13th 2016, when land is first spotted from the Aquarius after 2 days of sailing, a group of young Nigerian women celebrate singing and dancing.
Album | In between |
A portrait of Kelvin Eguavoen (25, from Nigeria), rescued by the Aquarius from a rubber boat in distress on September 11th 2016.
Album | In between |
Four women rescued by the Aquarius team on September 11th observe the sea from the vessel’s deck.
Album | In between |
A portrait of Ehanire Efosa (24, from Nigeria), rescued by the Aquarius from a rubber boat in distress on September 11th 2016.
Album | In between |
On September 12th 2016 a baby was born on board the Aquarius. His parents, Faith (in this portrait) and Otis (both from Nigeria), were rescued the day before from a rubber boat in distress. They decided to call him Newman.
Album | In between |
40 of the 142 people rescued by the Aquarius on September 5th 2016 were minors; 29 of them were unaccompanied and 4 were under 5 years old. One of them in the photo with an SOS Méditerranée Search And Rescue Team member.
Album | In between |
Evening muslim prayer on board the Aquarius, the night before disembarkation in Brindisi (Italy).
Album | In between |
Last night on board the Aquarius for the migrants rescued at sea on Sep 11th 2016. On September 14th they will disembark in Brindisi (Italy).
Album | In between |
The rescue vessel Aquarius is operated by the NGOs SOS Méditerranée and Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF).
Album | In between (Preview) |
A rubber boat in distress with 120 people on board is found approximately 23 miles north-east of Tripoli (Libya).
Album | In between (Preview) |
Three women on board the SOS Méditerranée rescue rhib that will transfer them to the Aquarius, just after being rescued from a rubber boat in distress.
Album | In between (Preview) |
Evening muslim prayer on board the Aquarius, the night before disembarkation in Brindisi (Italy).
Album | In between (Preview) |
Tokyo (Japan), Dec 9th 2016. At the Sensō-ji Buddhist temple in the Asakusa area, a man prays and fan incense smoke towards himself. According to the tradition, this smoke is believed to have healing powers and devotee should fan it towards the part of their body they would like to heal or improve.
Even if estimates suggest that 84–96 percent of the Japanese population subscribe to Shintoism, Buddhism has been practiced in Japan since its official introduction in 552 AD by Korean Buddhist monks. Buddhism has had a major influence on the development of Japanese society and remains an influential aspect of the culture to this day.
Album | Outtakes |
Tokyo (Japan), Dec 10th 2016. Under the neon lights of Tokyo’s Shibuya business and commercial area, numerous pedestrian cross the street during the evening rush area.
This crossing, also known as “The Scramble” is believed to be the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing, with up to 2,500 people crossing it at once, 45,000 every half an hour. With more than 35 millions inhabitants, Tokyo is the world’s most populous metropolitan area.
Album | Outtakes |
A procession through the streets of Querétaro, with a rooster referring to the tradition of ‘palenque’ (Mexican cockfight).
Album | Outtakes |
Barcelona, Aug 7th 2016. In Plaça Sant Felip Neri, one of Barcelona’s most evocative squares, a musician plays the cello and is observed by a tourist.
The walls of this square, behind the cello player, are still marked with the holes provoked by a bomb dropped by fascist planes in 1938, during the Spanish Civil War, that ended the lives of 42 people.
Nowadays, Barcelona is a popular tourist destination, and tourism numbers in the city are staggering: more than 8 million people visited the city in 2016 alone.
Album | Outtakes |
Aug 16th 2016, Barcelona (Spain). A ‘castell’ – a human tower built in traditional festivals at many locations within Catalonia, Spain – is built by a group of ‘castellers’ in Gràcia, one of Barcelona’s historic district.
On November 16, 2010, ‘castells’ were declared by UNESCO to be amongst the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
Album | Outtakes |
Brindisi’s port (Italy), Sep 14h 2016. A group of migrants rescued at sea from a boat in distress and disembarked by the rescue vessel Aquarius in Brindisi (Italy), are informed about their rights by a UNHCR’s representative.
The European migrants crisis remains dramatic in 2016. And if in 2015 the Balkans were the main point of entrance, after the EU-Turkey deal on refugees repatriation, in 2016 the Central Mediterranean Route is once again the busiest, and deadliest.
According to the IOM (International Organization for Migration), in 2016 alone more than 181,000 migrants reached Italy by sea, and more than 4,900 people died in the attempt.
Album | Outtakes |
Sep 12th 2016, Mediterranean Sea, a few miles off the coasts of Libya. A group of migrants rescued from a boat in distress at open sea are transferred from an Italian navy ship to the Aquarius rescue vessel that will take them to Brindisi, Italy.
The European migrants crisis remains dramatic in 2016. And if in 2015 the Balkans were the main point of entrance, after the EU-Turkey deal on refugees repatriation, in 2016 the Central Mediterranean Route is once again the busiest, and deadliest.
According to the IOM (International Organization for Migration), in 2016 alone more than 181,000 migrants reached Italy by sea, and more than 4,900 people died in the attempt.
Album | Outtakes |
Tokyo (Japan), Dec 4th 2016. Three girls play with rackets at the beach in Tokyo’s Odaiba area.
Odaiba is an artificial island in Tokyo Bay, across the Rainbow Bridge from central Tokyo. Initially built for defensive purposes in the 1850s, it was developed since the 1990s as a major residential and leisure area. With more than 35 millions inhabitants, Tokyo is the world’s most populous metropolitan area and largest urban economy.
Album | Outtakes |
Tokyo (Japan), Dec 6th 2016. A man sits under leaves falling from the surrounding trees in the park belonging to the Meiji Shrine.
This park, located in central Tokyo, covers an area of 70 hectares covered by a forest that consists of 120,000 trees of 365 different species, which were donated by people from all parts of Japan when the shrine was established.
Album | Outtakes |
Sep 3rd 2016, on board the Aquarius vessel. A group of dolphins play with the ship.
Album | Outtakes |
An high society crowd on its way to a private event at Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
Album | Wealthy Amsterdam |
A birds flock fly over the Giudecca Canal. The venetian lagoon is a complex and fragile ecosystem.
Album | Venice Blues |
A group of sailors crosses the Scalzi bridge while some tourists observe the Grand Canal.
Album | Venice Blues |
José Martín, from Tolimán, poses for a portrait. He sells ‘pulque’, an alcoholic beverage of ancient origins, made from the ‘maguey’ (agave).
Album | Of Corn and God |
White and black corn. Mexico is home to more than 60 different native species of corn.
Album | Of Corn and God |
Doña Isabel, from Tolimán, in her ‘milpa’ (a plot of land typically cultivated with corn, chile, beans and zucchini).
Album | Of Corn and God |
Eric, a young boy from Tolimán, poses for a portrait in front of the wall of his house.
Album | Of Corn and God |
The ‘chimal’ of San Miguel. During a celebration of pre-Hispanic origins, a huge structure covered with dasylirion leaves and filled with offers is raised in the main square of the village.
Album | Of Corn and God |
Boys from the village watch the ‘chimal’ of San Miguel being raised. The tradition wants them to be dressed like either indians or spaniards to stage the ‘Danza de la Conquista’ (The Dance of the Conquest).
Album | Of Corn and God |
A procession through the streets of Querétaro, with a rooster referring to the tradition of ‘palenque’ (Mexican cockfight).
Album | Of Corn and God |
Inside the migrants shelter built by the municipality of Milan inside the central railway station, a volunteer serve food to a group of Syrian refugees.
Album | Northbound |
Gianluca Oss Pinter, a volunteer working in the migrants shelter inside Milan railway station. Since when he decided to help, he sleeps in a truck parked in front of the station and dedicates almost all his days to the cause.
Album | Northbound |
Mohammed Ismail (20, from Sudan). “So far, Europe treated me very well. In Libya if the police takes you to the police station you don’t know if you will come out alive. Everybody tries to rob you, you cannot trust anyone but your life is in their hands. Two of the migrants who were traveling with me died at sea while passing from a small overcrowded boat to a bigger even more overcrowded boat. In addition to the months of work in Libya I paid about $2,000 for the trip. It’s my family that pushed me to learn English, they knew I would need to go to Europe. I don’t do this trip for me but for them; as soon as I find a job I will start to send money to my family.”
Album | Northbound |
Attilio Dellera (Volontarius NGO), working at Brenner station. “Here at the Brenner border the flow of people pass quite unnoticed, but we are talking about 150-200 people a day. I started coming here as a volunteer, but then due to staff shortages Volontarius hired me, and here I am. We do what we can, but here you can often see shady figures… smugglers who ask for money to migrants to buy them the ticket (to Austria), or load them into a car and then unload them before the border.”
Album | Northbound |
A group of migrants watched by the Italian police at Brenner train station. Austrian and German police stops migrants aboard international trains to Germany, but after formal routine controls Italian police do not identify them and let them proceed towards Austria and Germany.
Album | Northbound |