José Martín, from Tolimán, poses for a portrait. He sells 'pulque', an alcoholic beverage of ancient origins, made from the 'maguey' (agave).
Album | Of Corn and God |

White and black corn. Mexico is home to more than 60 different native species of corn.
Album | Of Corn and God |

Doña Isabel, from Tolimán, in her 'milpa' (a plot of land typically cultivated with corn, chile, beans and zucchini).
Album | Of Corn and God |

Eric, a young boy from Tolimán, poses for a portrait in front of the wall of his house.
Album | Of Corn and God |

The 'chimal' of San Miguel. During a celebration of pre-Hispanic origins, a huge structure covered with dasylirion leaves and filled with offers is raised in the main square of the village.
Album | Of Corn and God |

Boys from the village watch the 'chimal' of San Miguel being raised. The tradition wants them to be dressed like either indians or spaniards to stage the 'Danza de la Conquista' (The Dance of the Conquest).
Album | Of Corn and God |

A procession through the streets of Querétaro, with a rooster referring to the tradition of 'palenque' (Mexican cockfight).
Album | Of Corn and God |